2040: A jumpstart preparation guide for the next decade!

A jumpstart peek into 2040

Yeah you read it right, not the upcoming 2022 but 2040- the future standard of next 2 decades is something you must be thinking now, so that you stay on-track with your life.

Today’s technology will seem primitive by the standards of 2041, just as 2001’s technology is of today.

This is to our imagination of how fascinating 2041 could be and the plethora of career choices or business opportunities one could look forward to through this!

  • Metaverse: Uni-verse will be old school; With Meta-verse multiple virtual worlds, virtual space, land and transactions will be happening. (I will soon be writing an article about my Metaverse understanding).
  • Crypto-currencies: With everything getting virtual, virtual currencies will become a natural way of transactions. If you are aware of the popular Bitcoin, Dodgecoin, NFTs, know that this is just the beginning.
  • Virtual cloud on the go: Data and information might be available virtually as air. Everything on the go will take on a literal meaning. Imagine wherever you are- in an elevator, a car or on a flight; data will just move seamlessly.
  • AI will make you believe the world revolves around you! As you talk, discuss, act- AI will surround you with options and suggestions, actionable at a tap or a wink! AI will resemble RI (Real Intelligence). And if you lack EI (Emotional Intelligence), you will wonder if you are even human or a humanoid.
  • Your equipment at home can see you do everything and listen everything in unimaginable ways. Privacy will either be a joke or a luxury 😉
  • Driverless and automated intelligence cars will move, self-park and maybe fly as well.
  • Job profiles of the generation will change. They will need to work less and most routine and hazardous work will be covered by robots.
  • With the increase of consumption of electric energy for vehicles, scarcity might arise and will lead to alternate fuel energy like compressed air and other natural energy harvesting techniques.
  • Typing on gadgets may be redundant and will be replaced by voice commands, gestures and maybe even thought-controls.
  • Local/Vernacular languages will no longer be barriers to trade and travel. On the go translations of spoken and written language will ensure a global world and smoother travel.
  • Green energy will be affordable or freely available. A quieter lifestyle will actually be a reality with vehicles running on clean/renewable power sources (Well, this is a doubt in question to me).
  • Virtual charging surfaces will be ubiquitous, allowing effortless charging of gadgets on table-tops or car dashboards/surfaces.
  • Space tourism will turn from fantasy into a reality to commons! Holidays to Mars, round trip around Venus, camping on moon (Moonwalk gets its exact meaning) and perhaps, some may prefer to settle permanently in space!
  • Medical treatments, especially surgery, will be robotics driven for high precision.
  • All gadgets will be connected to the cloud. IoT will be the way of life.
  • Robots and Cobots- Most of the routine workforce will be replaced by robots partially/completely giving rise to the term Cobots – Colleagues that are robots.
  • Personal banking and professional banking will see massive developments with Blockchain technology making it faster and secure. I won’t be surprised if physical money and physical banking concepts vanished or become limited to very specific scenarios that are uncommon.
  • Physical credit cards will be replaced by virtual limits in your wallets, guarded by biometrics.
  • Computers/laptops will be thin and practically weightless. Even foldable or rollable, enabling you store it easily and activate it seeming from nowhere.
  • Remote business meetings will be conducted virtually as a standard. Travel might become purely recreational. Business travels will be limited to at the behest of those at the highest echelons, denoting a person’s power and wealth.
  • Wearable gadgets will be indispensable. They will be miniaturised and will be even inserted in one’s body: Information and entertainment will revolve around gadgets.
  • You can virtually visit any country and tour through VR, AR and satellite maps routing (except for underground caves?).
  • Wearable gadgets will also act as medical warning devices to pre-empt disorders and take required actions at the nick of the time.
  • Every home will have the equivalent of a theatre, with 60+ inch displays installed and a plethora of content accessible on the cloud. Releases will be Cloud-first.
  • Vertical living spaces, skyscraper apartments will make living in individual independent houses a luxury available for riches alone.
  • 3D printing will be used to construct buildings, structures and some products within a matter of hours/days that currently take months and years to do.

Well, a few of you may be feeling that some of the above mentioned are already in action. Oh come-on; let me remind you that we are entering 2022… And you are just a few years away from all the above things becoming a “new-Normal”. 

What I want you all to know is to be ready with relevant life or career or business plans, pick the ones that suit you and stay upgraded. Else you will soon be thrown off-guard, clueless and feudal.

So, Welcome to 2040 – A New digital World – more comfortable, connected and effortless living! Yet having its own set of dire consequences one must unquestionably accept.

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