Picks from my Journal
Growing up, I observed that things, problems and happenings around me triggered thoughts and ideas in me, to find solutions or probable solutions which can also turn into small to big business opportunities. (My thoughts were revolving around business solutions as I always wanted to become an Entrepreneur).

These thoughts or ideas or probable solutions would not let me sleep until 2-3am in the night, most of the time my nights turned sleepless. This started affecting my days and my routine was badly disturbed.
One such night struggling to sleep, I sat up at 4 am, bombarded with too many thoughts, started to pen down all of them in a book.
Amazingly, I could sleep after I finished listing down my thoughts which were fighting in my mind to get my attention.

That day, I found out 2 things.
- Writing down your thoughts, clears your mind.
- You will be surprised to read what you have written and how brilliant a human brain can process so much of information each day.
Today I have a journal full of small to big ideas, business opportunities.
Some relevant-to-date and some outdated.
Some silly and some Wow. Some my own and some seen or read.
While some see it as a boon to find an opportunity in every problem or situation around us, I was also greatly criticized for having too many ideas (-idle) and not working on many of them.
Know that it’s beyond my understanding why I get those ideas which can be prospective businesses, and I cannot or do not have the needed expertise in each sector, time, team and support to start up all of those.
I worked on one or two, realized them.
This article is for all those readers, aspiring entrepreneurs, existing businesses, or anyone who wants to start up, develop, create or think of starting a business but is not sure what to do.
These ideas are also highly dependant on the demographics, your zeal and how passionate you are about your dream.
Investments range from your time, money-small to big, and a major portion of your strengths.
If you have reached the end of this article, if you find it interesting and motivating, wait!
Wait for another day or two, think and rethink . Take your time. And if you really want to pick an idea, let’s work on it together. Be ready to fail but be determined to succeed!
If we fail, we learn.
If we succeed, we celebrate.
The rise of #RushTalksOriginals
Picks from my Journal
Mail me on rushtalkscontact@gmail.com