Career Guidance

Career Guidance / Career Counselling and its Importance

Why Career Guidance is important for your child aged 14-17 years old (Grade 9 to Grade 12)?

Generation Z (aged 14 – 17 years ) are the most vibrant and smartest kids.

While they tend to learn anything that comes their way, as parents, it is our duty to guide them the right way.

Because as much the opportunities today, so much are the distractions.

Age 14 – 17 years is the time of many changes taking place in their life, both physical and emotional, transitioning from school to college to trying to “fit in” with peers. This is the time they need support and guidance with career choices.

The World is pacing too fast to cope with. It is thus imperative to prepare your child to sync and meet the opportunities of the new World!

Career Guidance: World of careers

What is Career Counselling or Career Guidance?

Today, we have 300+ Career/ Job/ Occupation options.
As a parent or student, you will be confused on what career to choose and what to study for a promising future.

This decision is so crucial that your career/course-to-study must not be decided based on the suggestions or opinions of friends, relatives or peers.

Every child is special and has some innate traits that must be discovered and utilized to find the right career.

Career Counselling is a process that helps one to know and understand oneself better.
It gives clarity about the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions by making an informed decision around the same. 

For e.g. challenges related to a particular job, having the quality to work as a team, managing deadlines, clashes in views with the other employees. These scenarios are a part of a career and one should be aware of all these before stepping into a career path. Thus, guiding a person to make career, educational, and life decisions correctly.

There are a number of factors that influence your career development, including your personality, interests, abilities, values, background, and circumstances. 

Career Counselling gives information regarding possible paths a student can consider to grow professionally. A career is what decides the future, the bread and butter for you, so you should be aware of what path you are choosing and where it will lead you to.

Is Career Counselling worth it?

Most of you parents are probably saving the major chunk of your earnings for your kids’ schooling and college.

When you are ready to spend lakhs of rupees on your kid’s college, why not spend a few thousand to be sure the course and stream suits your child and results in his/her successful and happy career?

In fact, at least 51% of Indian parents’ priority is their child’s financial success (Survey by HSBC Retail Banking and Wealth Management in a report titled “ The Value of Education: Learning for Life”). We can safely assume that parents follow a hands-on approach when it comes to making career decisions for their kids.

It is also the fact that free seats in Indian institutions are limited, that means you must also be prepared to find a seat through payment. While you are ready to spend your savings to get admission to the right college, it decreases your chance to revert, if needed.

There are many instances wherein halfway through the course, the student realises that “no-no, this is not what I want to do…” it then becomes difficult or impossible to revert. Even if you can, you would have already spent enough time, money and energy over it, that it turns out to be a costly mistake.

Career counselling is worth every penny you spend on it, if done with the right counsellor.

What are the Benefits of Career Counselling?

Know yourself: Career Counselling helps you (students) understand your own strengths and weaknesses with regard to the courses and lets you know what career suits you. A Career Counsellor is an expert at assessing your aptitude, personality, interests, and other aspects. We use this evaluation to suggest the best career options from all the available and relevant options.

Goal setting: Once your career goal is fixed, it doesn’t matter what the rest of your class do. You will streamline your choices and start taking relevant steps to your goal.

Self-confidence: Through the process of career counselling, you will reaffirm your interests, strengths, passion which results in confident learning. This knowledge helps you to develop the confidence to overcome any hurdles going-forward.

Expert Resources: Career Counselling provides access to the resources and knowledge that a career expert possesses. This knowledge of Careers, their scope and the paths to pursue them are most important from the point of view of a parent and child since most of the time, parents or guardians do not have that kind of knowledge.

Helps Change Unwanted Behavior Patterns: Students might have habits that are hard to break, such as procrastinating, not keeping updated on the latest developments in their chosen career paths, neglecting emotional and mental health, not trying to self-motivate, etc. A Career Counsellor helps break such behavioural patterns that lead to unproductive activities, both at home and in school/college.

Removes Career-Related Frustration: Choosing a career can be a demanding task for both parents and children. Some may be stressed because family members put pressure on them to choose a particular field. They will be confused as to listen to them or find a career that actually interests them.
A lack of any source of venting out emotions and thoughts may add to the existing frustration.
Career Counselling provides a platform where such frustrations can be reduced, and focus is re-directed to selecting the best career options.

Role-Model: Career Counselling helps students connect to experts who have enough life experiences to share. They are role models who have accomplished much and helped people in their life. This is why Career Counselling can serve as an inspiration to those who require it.

Brings Stability In Thought: Career Counsellors can help you remain calm when it comes to taking a career decision. Counselling helps bring about focus, and maintain that focus throughout our activities.

Why do we need a Career Counsellor?

You might be studying for the next 7-8 years after your grade 10, but you spend a good 40 years (few decades) of your lives working on your careers. That’s almost 36,000 hours. Shouldn’t you ensure that you spend this precious time on something you enjoy?

In order for you to identify what you like, and what your strengths are and how well they are aligned- you need the help of a career counsellor. 

Check the above question “What are the Benefits of Career Counselling” and know that those things can be done by an expert career counsellor only.

A Career Counsellor helps you discover your strengths, interest, passion, abilities and smoothly and efficiently carries the career goal-setting process.

What Career Counselling Is NOT ?

There are some common misconceptions about career counselling. Let us have a look at what career counselling is NOT:

It is not general advice about careers, colleges, courses and curriculum.

A Career Counsellor helps you pick the best career options, based on your personality and abilities. Suggestions and guidance are unbiased.

It is not a short-term process that gives instant results.
Career Counselling takes time, effort and patience. It is a long-term process involving many changes on the part of the student.

It is not a service that helps you get jobs or admissions in companies and colleges respectively.

A Career Counsellor is not affiliated with any academic institution. I only help you reach your potential and aim for the best institutes and companies in your career.

It is NOT a procedure that runs on trial and error. It is a purely data-driven approach.

Career Counselling is a scientific process and involves making calculated moves, based on hard facts and methodical research.

Better late than never! Here is your chance to book a Career Guidance session with me. Just leave a message on +91-9108472050 with your details and we shall connect.

Know more about the same on

Cheers to the beginning of new year and a new future 🥂

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